Sunday, April 18, 2010

So Close - LDoA

Disconnections have plagued me all week long, so I haven't made as much progress as I hoped, but I did charm a bear (with hubby's help - Thank You!!) while I was taking a break from death-leveling. Black Bears are difficult to charm in pre-searing with their special Break Charm skill, and although I had helped someone else charm one a year or so ago, I hadn't yet charmed one of my own.

I named him Yogichu for Yogi, my favorite stuffed animal as a child, and with the "chu" suffix for the April Fool's faux skill update joke for voice activated pet attacks that GW posted on their website ("Moachu! Use Bestial Fury!").

So now I am 89% to level 20. I have all the Charr now at the shrine that I need to make it within 158xp, and then I will be able to turn in my final quest reward (250xp) and have the coveted LDoA title. Not that it means much, just that I've spent a lot of time afk.

But here we go: twelve Charr lined up and ready to kill me all night while I sleep.

Please please please don't get disconnected. Please?

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