Tuesday, April 14, 2009

FOXNews.com - Can Twitter Confuse Your Moral Compass?

FOXNews.com - Can Twitter Confuse Your 'Moral Compass'? - Science News Science & Technology Technology News

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Heh. That's funny. I was just thinking along this vein a few days ago, and in fact this bugs me every time I try to watch television news. When watching newscasts, I find that most of the news leaves me with questions. It's just little blurbs. Even radio news, which I tune in daily, gives me the same unease. I get annoyed because it's too short, too fast, and too little information. It's difficult to find in-depth information from television or radio.

But over the past few years I turned to the internet for my news, and so solved that problem. Or I suppose I thought. Now having signed up to Twitter, I notice I am skimming a lot more headlines than I ever have. So am I falling prey to some hither-to-unknown and dire consequences of this too-fast too-short news? Am I losing my sense of morality?

I beg to differ. I still find myself going in and reading longer stories that catch my eye in those Twitter "tweets," just like this one, and often end up researching further by pulling up google or Merriam-Webster (my preference in online dictionaries), or reading related stories and then going offline and continuing to reflect on those stories as I go to work or around the house. And then I come back and blog when my thoughts are gathered.

Quoting from the article: "The study's volunteers needed six to eight seconds to completely respond to stories of virtue or social pain, brain imaging showed." While I admit I skip over a lot (news overload is not healthy either!), I tend to spend hours considering those stories that are of interest to me. Does that mean I think too much?

Or my compass simply functioning as intended?

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