Monday, November 17, 2008

Dreaming of an Electronic Desktop

I want a monitor that is more of a desktop, literally. As I move things around on my desk and processes papers and electronic information, I find myself wishing my monitor was more the size of my desk, so I could have multiple pages strewn across the monitor and work with said pages more like real paper.

Maybe a wide-screen LCD monitor will temporarily satisfy my wishes, but somehow I'm thinking that will still be short of what I'm dreaming of. I know it's technologically possible now with LCD monitors (one could easily integrate/install an LCD monitor into a custom-built desk, horizontally), but the expense of such a huge screen... Oh wait ... Hmmm...

We do have a TV that has a port for computer connection. Maybe that's more what I should look into instead of a dedicated monitor. Still, I do wish the monitor would be more horizontal. Flat on my desk. Like paper. Having only a portion of vertical space. Maybe one horizontal space and one vertical space.

Two monitors, one integrated into the horizontal surface of the desk, and one vertical, wall-mounted. The integrated monitor having an adjustable bracket to range from zero degrees to 25. It would need some surface protection though. Can you imagine the damage that might happen to such a monitor? Hmmm....

(ps I hope no one is using an RSS feed to view this and getting multiple copies - my apologies if so - as much as I try to control my post-publish editing, my brain keeps coming back to this with more ideas)

1 comment:

Raven's Path said...

That is a great idea. I had a similar thought last week as I just started using dual monitors at work. How easy that makes work made me want either a desktop that was a monitor or a desktop that was one big whiteboard that I would only erase when I wanted it to erase.